Holistic Longevity: A Philosophy for a Balanced and Satisfying Life

When you love what you do, you want to be doing it forever. Upon achieving a fulfilling lifestyle, the question of longevity gains significance. Holistic longevity extends beyond mere physical approaches aimed at prolonging life. It embodies a comprehensive application of longevity principles to enhance business performance and adopt a philosophy for a balanced and satisfying life. The focus shifts from combating aging to embracing and enriching life throughout all its stages.

Unfortunately, the phenomenon of being “dead on the inside” already at a young adult age is widespread and growing. A purposeless person pursuing externally-imposed status symbols without consideration for their health, fixed in their mindset, surrounded by disposable, extractive or manipulative relationships, will hardly maintain these tensions in the long run and positively contribute to their life quality and society.

Core Principles of Holistic Longevity

Holistic Longevity recognizes the vital role that purposeful creation, supportive relationships, healthy habits, and continuous learning play in securing long-term vitality of the person as a whole.

Purposeful Creation

The essence of being vibrantly alive lies in our continuous creation, streaming from personal and organizational purposes behind our work. This creative impulse is vital for maintaining energy and enthusiasm in our daily activities. Engaging in work that connects with our personal purpose and aligns with our values keeps our spirit ignited. 

In evaluating your lifestyle, question whether your life roles and manifestations are in harmony with your ambitions to fulfill a purpose, deliver impact, and generate value in all its forms.

Supportive Relationships

Relationships are a cornerstone of our mental and emotional well-being. They provide emotional support, a sense of belonging, and contribute to our happiness.

Strong, quality relationships boost self-esteem, raise confidence, and promote optimism. Through interactions with others, we encounter new ideas and perspectives, stimulating creativity and get challenged to learn, grow, and adapt. It's essential to assess the health of your relationships frequently, ensuring they are flourishing and positively contributing to your support system.

In considering your lifestyle, reflect on the quality of your relationships. Are they being nurtured, or are they neglected? Identify any obstacles or off-grids that may be hindering your ability to connect and sustain supportive relationships.

Optimal Health

Our body's ability to work and function effectively depends on our dedication to physical self-care. The energy needed for high-level performance is a product of careful attention to sleep, exercise, and nutrition. The better we manage these elements, the more efficient and energetic we can be in our personal and professional endeavors.

Mental health is directly tied to our energy levels. It involves managing our beliefs, thoughts, and adapting our attitudes to be more constructive. Conscious efforts to address and revise limiting beliefs help to reduce stress and maintain mental clarity. The state of our brain health and hormone balances also significantly impacts our mental performance.

Both beneficial and harmful habits have a profound effect on our longevity, energy flux, and quality of life. It's important to scrutinize our habits honestly to identify those that may be detrimental to these areas.

In the context of your lifestyle, consider the amount of time and energy invested in your optimal health condition. Do your life roles allow enough flexibility to put your health in top priority?

Continuous Learning

Learning new knowledge, skills, and attitudes can enhance performance, awareness, and enjoyment in life. It is also tied to better health outcomes, including delayed onset of cognitive decline. Our brains have a natural ability to learn new things, new thoughts and create new thought patterns through neuroplasticity, enabling lifelong learning as a significant component of a thriving modern lifestyle.

Unlearning involves shedding outdated or incorrect information, which can lead to improved creativity and better problem-solving abilities. It requires one to confront personal biases and limitations, which is a difficult yet crucial step for advancing intelligence and maturity.

Relearning updates old knowledge with current and relevant concepts or information. It contributes to personal resilience and adaptability, making it essential in a fast-paced, ever-changing world. Studies suggest that relearning can boost knowledge retention and its practical application.

In evaluating your lifestyle, reflect how open you are to the lessons life offers across all experience, and what you would need to learn to play your life roles even more fully.

Harnessing Lifecycles: Aligning Your Workflow with Natural Cycles

Nature moves in cycles. The seasons change, the day turns into night and back again. We are a part of nature and for our own betterment, we need to honor the natural life cycles within us and around us. 

Lifecycles exist to support us and guide us. When we coordinate our activities in line with these cycles, we reap the benefits of more energy for creation, more efficiency in our performance, and more everyday opportunities to be our best selves.

Circadian Rhythm

Circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal clock running in the background of your brain that cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals. It's tied to the cycle of day and night. This rhythm influences physical, mental, and behavioral changes that happen during a 24-hour period, driven by changes on a molecular level.

This natural cycle is crucial for aligning our bodies with nature and the environment, regulating when we wake up and when we sleep. Hormones such as cortisol and melatonin, which regulate energy and sleep, are influenced by this rhythm. Other body functions, like temperature and blood pressure, also fluctuate over the 24-hour period. Disconnection between this cycle and our environment can cause sleep issues, affecting energy levels throughout the day.

To maintain a healthy circadian rhythm, it's recommended to sleep before midnight, wake up with sunrise, limit evening exposure to blue light, and avoid caffeine first thing in the morning. Scheduling daytime rests can also be beneficial. When our circadian rhythm is in sync with our desired lifestyle, we wake up refreshed and are better equipped to manage our energy throughout the day.

Ultradian Rhythm

Ultradian rhythms are shorter cycles within the 24-hour circadian rhythm. These cycles, often lasting around 90 minutes, impact our energy levels and focus. During each 90-minute phase, our body's physiological functions like heart rate, hormone levels, and brain-wave activity, ramp up, making us feel alert. As the cycle progresses, these functions and our alertness begin to wane, signaling a need for rest.

To optimize our energy, taking a 20-minute break after every 90 minutes of work can be groundbreaking. As alertness rises in the first half of the cycle and falls in the second, accumulated by-products of millions of biochemical reactions during cellular activity can lead to feelings of fatigue, hunger and decreased mental clarity. Pushing through these signals without resting can lead to decreased productivity, misjudgements, and an increased sense of irritability by evening.

Conversely, by taking short, regular breaks, we enable our bodies to recuperate and prepare for the next cycle of high productivity. This rest period can help with cellular and tissue repair, rebalancing blood sugar, detoxification, and absorbing new information.

Without intentional planning around ultradian rhythms, task demands can dictate your schedule, leading to a drained feeling. Implementing the 90-20 rule can not only increase productivity but also provide more restorative breaks than one might typically allow for themselves.

ultradian performance rythm chart

Long Cycles

Aside from the daily biological cycles, numerous other cycles are in action simultaneously to affect each individual’s life and lifestyle: lunar, seasonal, business cycles etc. 

Because of the longer duration of these cycles, it’s easy to miss their presence, yet taking them into account can provide valuable insights when planning and setting manifestations for specific periods of the month, year, or business development phase.

Leveraging Astrology for Strategic Decision-Making

Astrology has been recognized for its applications in business contexts for millenia. Financier J.P. Morgan famously noted, "Millionaires don't need astrologers, but billionaires do," suggesting the untapped potential of astrological insights in high-stakes decision-making. Unlike common misconceptions, astrology doesn't predict the future; it evaluates the potentials and challenges present at any given moment, based on the positions and movements of planets.

Planets, by moving through their orbits, produce specific constellations that repeat themselves in a cyclical manner over time. The scientific basis of astrology lies in the mathematical calculations that define how planetary positions at specific times—such as the birth of an individual, the founding of a company, or the signing of a contract—can influence the trajectory and outcomes of the subject in focus.

The methodical relationship between celestial movements and mundane events is not entirely unfounded. For instance, the moon's gravitational pull has a noticeable impact on Earth's oceans, and given that the human body consists of approximately 70% water, it's plausible to consider that we might also be affected by such celestial dynamics.

Creating an astrological chart has become more accessible and precise with advancements in software over the past three decades, reducing what once took up to 10 hours of manual calculation to mere minutes. These charts are unique to each individual or entity, incorporating the exact date, time, and location of the subject's inception, whether it be a person's birth or a company's establishment. This allows astrologers to provide tailored insights into an individual’s personal purpose and inherent challenges or to advise businesses on auspicious timings for launches, legal matters, sales strategies, and recruitment.

Incorporating astrology into business practices can offer novel perspectives, particularly when making strategic decisions. By understanding the astrological forecasts, organizations can align their activities with the most favorable periods, potentially mitigating risks and seizing opportunities more effectively. For instance, recognizing times that astrologically support growth and innovation can enhance product launches and marketing campaigns, while periods deemed challenging may be better suited for introspection and strategic planning.

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Organizations address the real needs of time and space.
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Reemina Limited, Klimataria 11, 4607 Pissouri, Cyprus
© 2024 Reemina Limited. All Rights reserved.
Reemina Limited, Klimataria 11, 4607 Pissouri, Cyprus