Purpose: the Most Overlooked Energy Source for Generating Passion

Purpose is the number one overlooked energy source for an organization’s total flux. It emerges as a fundamentally untapped fountain of resources within organizational dynamics.

The clearer, more aspirational, and nobler the purpose—in its service to humanity and all life on Earth—the more it will awaken people’s passion for contributing to it. 

At Reemina, for example, our purpose states that “Organizations serve the real needs of time and space,” clearly articulating our dedication to the unifying cause that transcends individual desires.

Although purpose and passion are often used interchangeably, they’re not the same thing. Purpose is a driving force behind emotions – and passion is one of those emotions – within individuals and among individuals in groups. 

While purpose and passion are often mentioned in the same breath, they are distinct concepts. Purpose serves as the underlying reason for our actions, primarily oriented towards benefiting others, whereas passion is the joy and motivation we derive from engaging in activities we love. While passion may fluctuate, a clear organizational purpose provides a focused direction for collective efforts.

While we might develop a passion for multiple activities and topics, the organizational purpose always remains singular.

The Significance of an Organizational Purpose

How connected are you with your organizational purpose? 

How connected is every person inside the organization?

Teams that are connected to a unifying organizational purpose set out to ignite their own and other people’s potential, passion, and persistence. 

When the organizational purpose is genuinely integrated into the culture—beyond mere slogans—it empowers employees to find deeper meaning in their roles, which translates into more committed and responsible actions.

Sustaining Growth through Purpose

Imagine the strength and longevity of a sequoia tree, deeply rooted into the earth. This imagery reflects how deeply an organizational purpose should be embedded within the company for long-term success.

Purpose fuels creative energy, informs decision-making, unites team members, and drives the collective pursuit of a shared goal. When companies place purpose at their core, preferring it to short-term profit motives, they set themselves on a path of sustained regeneration and growth.

Challenges in Purpose Implementation

While recognizing the importance of defining organizational purpose has become more prominent, many businesses struggle to translate their purpose into day-to-day practices.

Decisions that conflict with the organizational purpose can erode trust, lead to engagement issues, and ultimately result in decreased productivity. Such misalignment often causes talent retention challenges, increases turnover rates, and can even trigger employee burnout.

The Universal Quest for Meaningful Work

Despite common misconceptions, the search for purposeful work transcends generational boundaries. Every individual harbors the innate capacity to contribute to something greater than themselves.

Leaders carry the responsibility to awaken this intrinsic desire among their team members by setting a compelling example and creating the working conditions that encourage others to activate this capacity. 

Purpose vs. Profit: How a Higher Calling Drives Business Success

In an era where organizational excellence is not just measured in profit margins but in the impact generated, the adoption of a purpose-driven approach emerges as the cornerstone of sustainable success.

Historically, businesses operated with profit maximization as their north star, yet a seismic shift in corporate philosophy has underscored the profound truth: an unwavering dedication to a greater purpose not only complements commercial success but propels it.

When organizations pivot from a profit-centric model to one rooted in making a meaningful impact, they unlock potential for growth that is both exponential and sustainable. 

This transition, while profoundly rewarding, is not an overnight occurrence. As a crucial initial step, owners and executives must personally connect with the organization’s purpose to enable their teams to follow suit as well. 

Leaving Competition Behind

The landscape of competition undergoes a dramatic transformation when businesses embrace a purpose transcending mere commercial interests.

Consider the power of collective momentum towards a shared goal, magnified across organizations, transcending traditional rivalries and fostering an ecosystem where collaboration amplifies impact.

Bill Gates’ purpose for Microsoft in 1985, "A computer on every desk and in every home," exemplifies this paradigm. Such a monumental purpose couldn't be the endeavor of a single entity but required a symbiotic push beyond the boundaries of Microsoft, reshaping the tech industry's trajectory.

In stark contrast, companies that lack a clear purpose often default to strategies emphasizing superior product quality, innovative marketing, or aggressive pricing. They might even replicate existing successful offerings, missing the essence of what truly differentiates a brand: its soul.

Genuine connection with consumers is built on the unique feelings, emotions and values embedded in every product or service, an element impossible to replicate fully, thereby rendering competition from 'copycat' ventures less relevant.

A Case Of “No Competition” At Outfit7, A Tech Unicorn

“Talking Tom had hundreds of copycats but no one was close to being as successful as it was. Why? “Competitors” were copying the product (application) but they were not able to copy the fun and joy—these were emotions and energy that users felt. The purpose of Outfit7 was defined as “Instant fun”, and one of the values that Outfit7 had was “Bring Joy”, meaning that individuals working on games and applications were encouraged to bring that joy into offices every day. The whole energy of the company, the approaches, and everything they did was done through the lens of our purpose and aligned values. This was the feeling that users felt, not only because they set out to have fun applications and products but because work was done in a fun, joyful way. The end goal was the same as the path it took them to get there.”

- Iza Sia Login, Co-founder

Outfit7 is one of the world’s fastest-growing multinational entertainment companies, perhaps best known for its flagship franchise Talking Tom and Friends. The first app, Talking Tom Cat, was launched in July 2010. The company now has a multitude of award-winning titles that have totaled 21 billion game downloads and 107+ billion video views since its launch in 2009.

Seeing The Role Of Purpose Across The Stakeholder Ecosystem

While certain individuals within an organization are naturally driven to make a positive impact, a clear and profound purpose behind that impact can inspire the entire organization. 

A business operates in an interconnected ecosystem, reliant on symbiotic relationships with all stakeholders. Employees are pivotal — they sustain these relationships with authenticity and care, which, in turn, propels your purpose and generates mutually beneficial outcomes.

organizational purpose stakeholder map

To ensure stakeholder connection with your organizational purpose, begin by explicitly identifying who they are, understanding their needs, and determining how you can meet those needs.

It's about transcending the confines of your premises and rallying all stakeholders behind a unifying organizational purpose.

Our purpose
Organizations address the real needs of time and space.
Reemina Limited, Klimataria 11, 4607 Pissouri, Cyprus
© 2024 Reemina Limited. All Rights reserved.
© 2024 Reemina Limited. All Rights reserved.
Reemina Limited, Klimataria 11, 4607 Pissouri, Cyprus
© 2024 Reemina Limited. All Rights reserved.
Reemina Limited, Klimataria 11, 4607 Pissouri, Cyprus