Who Made Vic’s Shirt?
A story for all generations that carries a universal message of love, equality, hope, and courage. This classic fairytale re-told by Vesna Milek and colorfully illustrated by Dreja Novak holds a simple lesson: a life filled with compassion and love is a worthwhile endeavor, at any age.
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This young boy’s brave choice to love and appreciate all around him teaches us the beauty and simplicity of a heart-centered life. The thread of love weaves throughout the story, creating a tale of unexpected gifts far beyond a shirt: magic, awe, beauty, equality and hope.
Vic’s generosity, compassion and wonder for all living things is a world we want to live in. Now, more than ever, we need a new vision of a place where we lovingly care for each other – and where the door to love and equality opens far and wide. Let this story continue to ignite hope and change for generations to come.
A tale of love and wonder for all living things.
The strong bonds of a large family.
Bravely and authentically living a heart-centered life.
Innocent and selfless love, given to all.
Mother Nature’s endless gifts to us.
About the author Vesna Milek
Vesna Milek, a writer and a journalist for the newspaper Delo, has been making a difference on the Slovenian media platform with in-depth interviews and articles for Sobotna priloga Dela for more than two decades. She has also been working for the last 5 years as an author and host of the TV show on TVS Od blizu and the shows Rdeče in črno at M-soseska.tv. Moreover, she is an author of the novel Kalipso, Če and the biographical novel Cavazza, as well as the books Razpoložena za Pariz and Ogledalo.
She has responded to Iza Sia Login’s invitation to modernize the children’s classic written by Fran Levstik, ‘‘Kdo je Vidku napravil srajčico?’’ (‘‘Who Made Vic’s Shirt?’’) since, as she says herself, this is one of her favorite stories – because it speaks of solidarity, cooperation, and love for all living beings.